The Morning After

November 4, 2004 

By the time you read this, the voting will be over...except in heavily contested districts where fictitious and dead Democrats will be casting their ballots until the lawsuits are concluded.  With the polls running neck-and-neck into the eleventh hour, the fate of the nation hung on a single preference; drink Bud or drink Sangria. 

In a last minute irony, Reuters reported that, “The Kerry campaign touted its Spanish-language media buy as the largest of its kind in the history of presidential elections.”  It is rumored that Kerry’s subliminal message was “Surrender...Surrender...Surrender”.  Khalifah bin Laden is very pleased with Monsieur Kerry. 

In a second last minute irony, bin Laden became a Democrat...he simultaneously talked-tough, urged surrender and then – surrendered himself.  My God, the similarities to Kerry are striking. 

Through his latest video ramblings, bin Laden adopted the Democrat’s talking-points: 

1.       “Bush...transferred the oppression of freedom and tyranny to his son and they call it the Patriot Law....”

2.       “He (Bush Sr.) was bright in putting his sons as governors in states and he didn't forget to transfer his experience from the rulers of our region to Florida to falsify elections to benefit from it in critical times.”

3.       “we never thought that the high commander of the US armies would leave 50 thousand of his citizens in both towers to face the horrors by themselves when they most needed him because it seemed to distract his attention from listening to the girl telling him about her goat butting was more important than paying attention to airplanes butting the towers” 

On a weekend furlough from an Alzheimer’s treatment center, Walter Cronkite weighed-in on Larry King Live, “I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit.  In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing.”  OK it’s back to your knitting class. 

Exercising his “right” to “intimidate voters”, bin Laden promised, “Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security.”  Where’s John Gotti when you need him?   

With “shock and awe”, Yigal Carmon, from The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), reported, “The tape of Osama bin Laden that was aired on Al-Jazeera on Friday, October 29th included a specific threat to ‘each U.S. state,’ designed to influence the outcome of the upcoming election against George W. Bush.” 

Somehow, the mainstream media was sloppy in its reporting of this threat to the American public.  Aside from not really reporting this story with the same thoroughness of the Bush National Guard records, the media also reported this story with the same inaccuracy.  From Carmon we learn that, “The U.S. media in general mistranslated the words ‘ay wilaya’ (which means ‘each U.S. state’) to mean a ‘country’" or ‘nation’ other than the U.S., while in fact the threat was directed specifically at each individual U.S. state.”  CBS has learned some disturbing “facts” concerning President Bush’s service in the Texas Air National Guard. 

Of course, Kerry’s response to all this madness was to poll the issue and find out what he should say.  As Vice President Dick Cheney commented about Kerry, “It's as though he doesn't know what he believes until he has to go and check the polls, his finger in the air, to see which way the wind is blowing and then he'll make a decision.”  Kerry has such great decision making ability that he should be running a condiment company...if his wife trusted him with the cashbox. 

Carmon interprets, “that while bin Laden made his specific threat to each U.S. state, he also offered an election deal to the American voters....”  Carmon explains that, “Osama wants to drive a wedge in the American body, to weaken it, and he wants to divide the American ...This letter will have great implications inside the American society, part of which are connected to the American elections, and part of which are connected to what will come after the elections."  This message is irretrievably lost on our Sangria sipping liberal friends. 

Where bin Laden and the Democrats really harmonize is in their sense of complete impotence under the leadership of G W.  Carmon asserted that in this video, bin Laden, “...sends a regressive and defeatist message of surrender, as seen in the move from solely using Jihad warfare to a mixed strategy of threats combined with truce offers and election deals.”  The Democrats and bin Laden were last reported to be in a French train car signing the Peace of Madrid. 

So...America had a choice to make on November 2nd and it made it.  Today is November 1st and I don’t yet know the outcome of that choice.  I do know that I will be drinking Bud tomorrow and voting for President Bush.  In doing so, I will be voting for the future of this nation.  With that primate bin Laden trying to rig this election and the Fifth Columnists of America’s mainstream media hell-bent to destroy Bush (at the cost of destroying America)...I am drawing a line in the sand. 

A Kerry victory on the Morning After will be a prelude to a victory party for bin Laden.  If, Kerry is victorious, then the elite liberals have succeeded again in their attempt to destroy the America we love.  If Kerry is victorious, bin Laden receives at least a four year “cease-fire” to regroup and rearm.  It is as silly as calling a truce at the gates of 1945 Berlin.  Welcome to the party.


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