Oh Please...Spank Me
September 30, 2004
Could somebody please tell me why liberals yearn for the entire civilized world to share their Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? And I’ll include France as part of the civilized world...even though the French still haven’t differentiated between perfume and bathing.
The continued insistence of politically correct liberals (PCL’s?) to play Patty-Cake with terrorists is a psychological aberration. If, as Doctor John G. Gunderson concludes, BPD is evidenced by repetitive self-destructive behavior, chronic fear of abandonment, hypersensitivity and impulsive behaviors...well, that adequately sums-up the liberal response to national defense. It’s also a good description of the United Nations.
As I write this article, the world’s attention is focused on the fate of 62 year-old British hostage Kenneth Bigley. By the time you read this article, he may well be dead...another victim of terrorist decapitation. Bigley is one of three construction contractors recently kidnapped in Iraq by Islamic terrorists. The other two, Americans Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley, have already been decapitated as evidenced through barbaric videos. No doubt, if Bigley meets a similar fate, America’s MSM (mainstream media) will air a sanitized trailer of the event.
And what is America’s MSM up to? ABC’s Ted Koppel had no problem reading aloud the names of U.S. service personnel killed in Iraq as their photos appeared on the screen. "Nightline" included more than 500 killed in action in Iraq since March 19, 2003, as well as more than 200 non-combat deaths. Curiously absent were the names and faces of the almost 3000 innocent victims of terrorism killed on September 11, 2001. Perhaps this oversight was an outgrowth of ABC’s hypersensitivity.
The ad nauseam MSM airing of the prison “abuse” photos from Abu Ghraib is another curiosity. CBS’s now discredited liberal producer, Mary Mapes, couldn’t get enough of that action. Yet, when CBS aired footage of the 9-11 attack, it sanitized the falling bodies and impact thuds out of the videos. Would it have been such a bad thing for American’s to see innocent victims of the WTC attack leaping to their deaths? Is the MSM afraid that thud after thud of Americans splattering all about the perimeters of the Twin Towers might have been confirmation that this is a real war? You can bet a self-destructive heart that if U.S. soldiers started dumping Iraqis off the roof of Abu Ghraib, CBS would have aired that footage.
This is the same predisposed masochism America is served-up every August 6th...Oh, woe is me...America bombed Hiroshima. Never is that mushroom cloud aired against the backdrop of: Pearl Harbor; the Japanese execution of Wake Island civilians; the beheading of Americans during the Bataan Death March; the Japanese biological atrocities at Nanking; the beheading of the Doolittle raiders; etc...etc...etc.
BPD-ridden liberals are holding a politically correct gun to the head of national defense and civilized Americans are paying the price. Faux-American Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott of Washington thinks that “photos of caskets coming home” has the positive effect of not “trying to keep the country from facing the reality of war.” Yet, McDermott wrapped Castro in swaddling clothes and invited him to Seattle for a little tête-à-tête. Talk about impulsive behavior.
The lifetime achievement award for “journalistic” BPD goes to Maureen Dowd. Her personal enmity for the President has reduced her writing to a stream of opaque verbiage...“Though Mr. Allawi presents himself as representing all Iraqis, his actions have been devised to put more of the country in the grip of this latest strongman - giving himself the power to declare martial law, bringing back the death penalty and kicking out Al Jazeera.” This is BPD is a nutshell.
After over a quarter of a century of tyrannical rule, Iraq is a country struggling to find a place in the world of nations. So Dowd’s insightful invective is to proclaim that “President Bush has his own Mini-Me now....” Mr. Allawi is not the defamatory “Mini-Me” of Dowd’s paranoid insecurity. Any idiot can figure out that Allawi, based on the representations of the U.S., has put himself in the front of an all too certain queue for assassination (with at least four attempts since June 28). What’s the definition of courage in Dowd’s world...shopping at a Walmart?
In the dysfunctional liberal logic of Maureen Dowd, perhaps Mr. Allawi should come clean and tell the electorate that he: only represents a nutty fringe minority; is a power hungry maniac; wants convicted felons to have digital cable TV; and embraces the lies of Al Jazeera. Geez Maureen, that sounds like advice for John Kerry!
If America’s liberal intelligentsia could just get back on their medication, they might see the error of their masochistic ways. Whenever the U.S. acts in its national interest, it’s not a cry for a spanking party. Those 3000 people murdered on September 11th (note the superscript capability of my IBM Selectric) did nothing wrong. By defending our national interest, America is doing nothing wrong. It’s just possible that the disorder of freedom is an inconvenience to the liberal comfort factor with the order of dictatorship.
Instead of whining about President Bush’s National Guard record and the “horrors” of Abu Ghraib, liberals should try watching unedited video of once-vital Americans plummeting to their deaths on September 11th. Since there seems to be such a love affair between the elite and Al Jazeera, the MSM should parrot that network’s role-model and show the American public unedited video of the barbaric beheadings. Or, is the liberal MSM “trying to keep the country from facing the reality of war”?