A Kite is a Kite...is a Kite

September 9, 2004 

When I think of liberals, the word “kite” often comes to mind.  A kite is often thought of as a toy...”a light framework covered in a thin light material, flown for fun in the wind at the end of a long string”.  Tell me a light framed (with the exception of Jerrold Nadler), thin-skinned toy bobbing and weaving in a swirl of hot air doesn’t remind you of a liberal.  A.K.A John Kerry, “And back then, ribbons, medals were absolutely interchangeable. ... We all referred to them as the symbols...So the fact is that I have been accurate precisely about what took place. And I am the one who later made clear exactly what happened.”  Damn I’m dizzy! 

Not convinced?  Let’s try a second definition of kite...” a fraud perpetrated by representing a fictitious truth”.  You know...that old scheme of writing a bad check against an account with insufficient funds and running with the cash before the truth surfaces.  Remember Bill Clinton telling 60 Minutes in 1992 that the Gennifer Flowers’, “...allegation is false.”   By the time that check bounced, “IT” was already President. 

OK...the definition of “kite” that I like the most is, “a small slim hawk that has long pointed wings and a forked tongue...I mean forked tail (tale?).”   Aesop wrote a Nostradamus-like fable about an eagle and a kite (hawk with a forked tale).  When the eagle discovered it had been kited by the kite...the kite responded, “That I might attain your royal hand, there is nothing that I would not have promised, however much I knew that I must fail in the performance (spelled I will tell any lie to get what I want).  And so it is with liberals. 

In his “pot and kettle” moments, John Kerry keeps insisting that, “It is clear that this president will literally say anything, do anything...in order to get re-elected."  This is in deep contrast to the liberals.  Take the September 1 N.O.W. powwow in Central Park.  The "Code Red: Stop the Bush Agenda Rally” featured such compelling truths as Poet Molly Birnbaum accusing President Bush of having “savagely raped" women "over and over".  And then there was Rep. Major Owens, a New York Democrat, warning the crowd that the Bush administration is taking America “down a path reminiscent of Nazi Germany."  When liberals lie...they call it hyperbole. 

And speaking of Nazi Germany...don’t forget the conventions.  Since the Democrats don’t want to look like a bunch of fascists, they made sure to lock-up all of the Boston protestors in a razor-wire holding pen reminiscent of a concentration camp.  It must have worked because, to the best of anybody’s knowledge, no Republican crazies made it inside the Fleet center to harass and/or attack Democratic delegates.  And the delegates certainly were not attacked while dining in local restaurants because they were too busy eating on the lobbyists’ dime. 

In sharp contrast, the “mean” Republicans were swamped in a sea of wackotestors at their NY convention.  Let’s count: 21-year-old Yale student, Thomas Frampton, tried to assault the Vice President; AIDS demonstrators invaded a Republican youth gathering on the floor of the convention; at least two “peace” soldiers launched fusillades during Cheney’s convention speech; and on and on and on.  And this is small potatoes compared to the breeding displayed outside of the convention. 

Republican delegates were harassed while doing what the Democrats never dared...dining in restaurants and supporting the host city’s economy.  As the Times reported, Deb Etcheson, an alternate delegate from Iowa was trying to eat dinner when “A person came by and used an explicative and stuck his finger in our face."  Etcheson reacted in a typically mean Republican manner, "But I don't blame that on New Yorkers. I just love this city." 

Even Al Franken, wanted to prove that he was the product of 1950’s cloning experiments with donkeys.  As an invited convention guest of the Republican’s, Franken immediately proceeded to shout down a conservative radio show producer in the convention’s media section.  I guess when you have nothing in your head except muck...you just shout. 

Just to recap...Republicans are fascists, but Democrats banish protestors to gulags; Republicans are mean, but Democrats make themselves obscene to elderly female GOP delegates; Republicans are war mongers, but sensitive Democrats stand around the streets of NYC while a loony knocks a police officer off a scooter and almost beats him to death (not to mention that a liberal lawyer was so happy about this she will not come forward as a witness); and Republicans lie, but Democrats misrepresent themselves to steal GOP convention credentials.   

Liberal accusations about conservative behavior are as empty as a kite blowing in the wind.  Every time a liberal levels a charge at a conservative...it is the liberal’s guilty conscience describing liberal behavior.  How do you win when the people accusing you of everything are the ones committing those acts themselves?  What do you say to an Islamic terrorist dangling a freshly severed head and accusing you of being a barbarian? 

Liberals have to lie because they have nothing of substance to put on the table.  And...liberals have to accuse conservatives of lying in order to avoid a rational debate on the issues...which the liberals are incapable of. 

Case in point...their candidate, John Kerry, is so full of leadership material that once his “Hero” kite crashed, he was left with a campaign platform of hyperbole and hot air.  Kerry is so full of leadership ideas that he resorted to calling the ailing Bill Clinton in the hospital on Saturday night.  Bill, I’m sinking fast...what do I do to get elected?  And I mean I will do just about anything to get elected including a Saturday night call to a hospitalized ex-President on the eve of by-pass surgery.  Oh...I get it Bill...just hire James Carville, Paul Begala and Stanley Greenberg.  Gosh...that would be original. 

On Labor Day weekend in Racine, West Virginia, Kerry was gifted with a Semiautomatic Shotgun by his liberal adorers.  As Kerry was waving the gun in the air, à la Saddam Hussein, was he ever bothered by the fact that he co-sponsored “The Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003” (S. 1431) last year which would have banned that very gun and the gifting of it?  From the senator’s own lips... “All hat, no cattle”. 

As Kerry said, “instead of talking about real plans...we heard almost nothing but anger and insults from the Republicans.  And what’s Kerry’s plan?  To repackage his empty rhetoric in Clinton garb and do anything to get elected.  That seems to be exactly what he is doing. 

With a tale like that who says Kerry’s kite won’t fly!  


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