And Speaking of Snakes
August 26, 2004
Liberals are the snake, multiple deranged heads. They look in the mirror and then lay all of their collective dysfunctions at the conservative door? Hey, if Maureen Dowd wants to waste 50 minutes on a shrink’s couch that’s fine, but transcribing her projective identification therapy into a weekly column is more than the normal world can take. It’s painful enough just to think of Dowd on a couch.
In her latest column, Dowd accuses the “Bushes” of delegating to the “gutter”. From her castle in the air, she fantasizes that, ‘There are always third-party political assassins, ostensibly independent, to do the dynasty wet work”. Dowd never really makes it clear who she means by the “Bushes”. Is she including Barbara and Laura? Or is she trying to say that Barney delegates his “wet work” to the gutter? Maybe we should ask Michael Douglas what Maureen wants us to know about delegating “wet work”.
Never shy about denigrating the dead, Dowd credits the Bush M.O. to Lee Atwater, “Lay in the weeds while craftily planting plausibly deniable surrogates to slice up your rival.” For a moment I thought she was referring to a Kerry deer hunt.
And speaking of Kerry lying in the weeds, there are more than a few “plausibly deniable surrogates” in his closet...the 527 variety. America Coming Together ($10 million from George Soros), America Votes (run by Cecile Richards, former aide to Nancy Pelosi and daughter of former Texas Democratic Gov. Ann Richards), Americans for Jobs, Health Care & Progressive Values ($50K form former corrupt Sen.Torricelli), Media Fund (top Clinton grease-monkey Harold Ickes, president) and ($5 million from Progressive Corp. chairman Peter Lewis and financier George Soros) are just a partial listing of Kerry’s tax-free “plausibly deniable surrogates”. See how this works...look at the liberals and project their schemes to the conservative doorstep.
The nonpartisan Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania ( concluded that the icky Media Fund has been consistently misrepresenting the President in their soft-money ads. “An ad released by the Media Fund Aug. 11...says, ‘When President Bush says he's going to help companies outsource jobs, it's infuriating.’ Maybe it would be infuriating if Bush really had said that, but he didn't.” It’s simple, liberal projective identification politics mandate that if I’m a bed-wetter...everybody must be a bed-wetter. What a shock it would be to Ickes et al to discover that some people actually have morals...oh yeah, the Ten Commandments are not in the liberal playbook.
More to this point. Presidential press secretary Scott McClellan had this to say, “...the President has been on the receiving end of more than $62 million in negative attacks from shadowy groups. The President is calling for an immediate cessation to all the unregulated soft money activity. He believes that it should all be stopped.” But the Kerry campaign only wants a Bush withdrawal while they continue to operate shadowy liberal slush funds. Seems that without his self-orchestrated Vietnam record, Kerry’s only remaining attribute would be his wife’s inheritance....and good hair.
And redemption can even be found in the political landfill. At least the 527 organizations created by McCain-inspired (talk about “snakes in his head”) legislation are euphemistically legitimate. The Clinton administration (maybe to their credit) never cared about plausible deniability. They just broke the law using people on the government payroll.
Ann Coulter compiled a brief synopsis of the Clinton’s implausible deniability:
- The President’s White House counsel obstructing the FBI’s attempted search of Vince Foster’s office.
- Top staffers arranging for the payment of more than half a million dollars in “consulting fees” to Webb Hubbell.
- Employees illegally collecting and perusing nine hundred sensitive FBI files.
- His vice president making felonious fund-raising calls from the White House.
- His IRS director auditing the president’s two leading private citizen “enemies”.
- Talking points intended to tamper with a witness...passed to the witness by a former employee of the president.
Somehow, Dowd was one-eye-blind to these transgressions, but when it comes to the “Bushes”... “The weird thing transparently the Bushes play the game of staying above the fray even as their creepy-crawly surrogates do dishonorable and undignified things....” This is the schizophrenic rambling of a bipolar wack-job.
And speaking of whack-jobs...which holiday nut assortment did Chris Matthews fall out of? Think how crazy it was for Matthews to ask Vietnam veteran and former Swift boat commander Larry Thurlow, “Why do you think it‘s OK for a person who didn‘t serve in Vietnam to criticize someone who did?” Matthews (not a veteran) then spent an entire segment of Hardball verbally raping Bronze Star recipient Thurlow...about Vietnam remembrances. In all fairness to Matthews, he did dedicate part of his show to chauvinistically denigrating bestselling author Michelle Malkin.
I hope that Matthews is well rewarded for the buckets of dirty water he carries as a plausibly deniable surrogate.
This goes directly to the heart of Dowd’s premise that some people delegate to the gutter. When you look into that gutter, you find the likes of Dowd and Matthews. In a single editorial, Dowd referred to 254 Swift Boat veterans as stomach-turning, Nixon tool(s), sleazoids, vile, snipers and muck. Herself, all the while, carrying the Democrat’s dirty water.
If Dowd really wants to undress the ostensibly independent third-party political assassins, she might start by taking an inventory of keyboards at the New York Times, the LA Times, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and CBS...just to scratch the surface.