The Permanent Flu Season
December 18, 2003
What are the poor babies to do? The economy is rapidly improving and Saddam is in chains. Not much left to whine about except bin Laden and the flu. No doubt, just like homelessness, the liberals will blame Bush for the flu!
If Bush is such a “bad” guy, then why are the Democrats running low on campaign issues? First we were in the mother of all depressions...then the economy improved. Next, the war in Iraq was a quagmire until just days later the Iraqi military dissolved. And then Maureen Dowd popped a hemorrhoid because, “We’re losing one or two American soldiers every day. Saddam and Osama are still lurking....” Now that Saddam has been captured...what next?
Now, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, proffers, “...that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election....” Lordy, Lordy...was the former Clinton administration so corrupt that all who touched it are permanently and bizarrely paranoid. Hey Madeleine, why don’t you look for bin Laden in Area 51?
The forever sniveling Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Vatican Council for Justice and Peace, has his undies in a twist because the United States treated Saddam “like a cow”. “I felt pity to see this man destroyed, being treated like a cow as they checked his teeth," said the Cardinal. Did the U.S. pass electricity through Saddam’s genitals? No. Did the U.S. cut out Saddam’s tongue? No. I’m not certain what the hygiene standards are for Vatican Cardinals if they can become so distressed over a dental exam and delousing.
Of course more unbiased sources know what really happened. “It is clear that the man (Hussein) was taken by surprise and that he was drugged during his capture, first with a certain gas and then he was administered a type of drug that disoriented him,” reported Al-Dustour, a Jordanian newspaper. "How do you believe they can capture him (Hussein) if they didn't drug him? I don't doubt it, I'm sure that they couldn't (have captured him otherwise)," Saddam's eldest daughter, Raghad told Al-Arabiya (Jordanian) television by telephone. These people should become speech writers for Al Gore.
The Democrats are slightly more tepid but just as dreamlike in their reactions. Howard Dean was singularly insightful, “the capture of Saddam has not made America safer”. Many Dems including Senators Kerry and Clinton want to mobilize the French now that Hussein is nestled away. Kerry wants to “launch a major effort to gain international support”. By some sophistry, Kerry believes that “invite(ing) the world into a post-Saddam Iraq” will “make it clear to the world that Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people”. How do you spell doublespeak?
One-World Hillary is certain that “It would be timely and, I think, appropriate to now create a bridge using international support and legitimacy”...we would diminish the opposition and resentment that is fueling whatever remains of the insurgency if we had been willing to move to internationalize our presence and further action in Iraq.” She continues the madness by suggesting that, “It would be timely and, I think, appropriate to now create a bridge using international support and legitimacy, similarly to what we did in Bosnia and Kosovo.”
Comparing Iraq to Bosnia and Kosovo suggests that Clinton wants Iraq partitioned into several autonomous states. The Kurds in the north can have a country, the Shiites in the south become a nation and the Sunnis in the middle opt for the State of Hussein. The U.N. sends in “peace keeping” troops forever and we get another Palestine. Hillary “appropriately” creates “peace” in Iraq by effectively destroying Iraq. Hey Hillary...this ain’t the former Yugoslavia and it certainly ain’t a village!
Internationalization is a nice sounding phrase that means nothing. It appeals to those with no character for responsibility. The war in Iraq was not an international venture. It was American led and supported by a narrow coalition of allies. Needless to say that France, Germany and Russia were not our allies. Poignantly, these three countries may well turn out to have been Iraqi allies once Saddam starts blabbing.
Opening Iraq to Internationalization is a one-way ticket to intrigue and failure. Will the results be any better than the U.N. track record in Rwanda? An April 7, 1994 PBS rendition sounds like this, “The Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) and Hutu militia (the interahamwe) set up roadblocks and go from house to house killing Tutsis and moderate Hutu politicians. Thousands die on the first day. Some U.N. camps shelter civilians, but most of the U.N. peacekeeping forces (UNAMIR--United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda) stand by while the slaughter goes on. They are forbidden to intervene, as this would breach their ‘monitoring’ mandate.” This is the kind of international nonsense that the U.S. would finance and be held responsible for.
Listening to the Liberal chorus would have you forever on training wheels. Never stand on your own two feet...always use a crutch. Never finish what you start...always delegate your mess to the next guy. held responsible for anything...always duck the line of fire when it comes to responsibility. Sounds just like the employment manual in the former Clinton Whitehouse.
The irresponsible need a permanent flu season. You are never up to a challenge and anybody with the individual gumption to persevere must be marginalized. How would history judge future “leaders” if they actually had to deliver on their promises? Better yet, if they were actually held responsible for the drivel raining from their mouths. It’s much easier to play the unaccountable victim. It makes life more comfortable for the less know, the slugs.
Of course, there is always the Kucinich option, “...seize this opportunity to pull its troops out of Iraq and...” run? There’s a great lesson for the MTV generation. It would almost make you proud to be French.