Liberal Umbrellas: Chicken Little for President?
November 13, 2003
NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN could teach the liberals a thing or two...never leave home without your umbrella. You never know when you might be destroyed by an acorn.
Never in the history of this country has the electorate been subjected to a farce more disheartening than the parade of the Chicken Littles posing as Democratic presidential contenders. These nine “candidates” possess 1/3 the vision of the Three Blind Mice and 1/2 the character. They should all be issued umbrellas and exiled to the land of Cocky-Locky, Henny-Penny and Goosey-Loosey.
As Dorothy Rabinowitz bluntly asks, “Can this unremittingly strident display of Bush hatred--barely lower than the cacophony that comes booming from the crowds of grizzled street activists waving placards that show President Bush's picture emblazoned on a swastika--be what these candidates think Americans will find appealing, and worthy of their trust?”
While each of these “candidates” demands a “plan” from the President, the only “plan” they collectively have, “ the contest to exceed one another in contempt for the president....” Oh yeah, they also want to raise your taxes.
America used to expect vision from its presidential aspirants. In 1979, Ronald Reagan announced his candidacy with respect for the average American, “Someone once said that the difference between an American and any other kind of person is that an American lives in anticipation of the future because he knows it will be a great place.” Reagan also included the elites, “Other people fear the future as just a repetition of past failures.” But Reagan has character and he believes, “...that nothing is impossible, and that man is capable of improving his circumstances beyond what we are told is fact.”
Of course, according to Democrat Clark Clifford, Reagan was just an “amiable dunce”. And of course, Clifford, unlike Reagan, was charged with fraud, conspiracy and taking bribes in the biggest banking scandal in history, the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Clifford really needed some character...or at least an umbrella.
Speaking of “amiable dunces”, the New York Times inspired the American people with their headline, “The Bad News Is Good News for Democrats”. The concept of “vision” for a Democrat is joining a conspiracy to commit murder. Rather than a presidential nomination, the 9 Blind Mice should be competing for the Jane Fonda award. Exactly how many American soldiers can you kill with self-serving and indiscrete babble? Liberal prayers implore the devil (and terrorists) to make sure that, “Iraq is a mess, the world resents America and its debt-burdened economy is an international embarrassment.”
Reagan, the “amiable dunce”, was unflinching in his conviction that, “...there remains the greatness of our people, our capacity for dreaming up fantastic deeds and bringing them off to the surprise of an unbelieving world.” That, “We have it in our power to begin the world over again." Kucinich and Sharpton recommend begging forgiveness from the French, retreating from rag-tag jihadists and raising taxes. Gephardt, Kerry and Dean look to the United Nations for the innovative skill lacking in America. And...Clark just waffles from minute to minute. Oh...and Moseley-Braun wants you to remember that she’s even on the stage. And unlike Reagan, they all want to raise your taxes.
The Democrats are so intellectually underdeveloped and visionless, that the best they can dream of is the worst for the American people. There has not been one original idea to spring forth from the mindless nine. Unless, of course, “patriotically” undercutting the administration during a time of war, hoping for an economic meltdown and raising taxes are original ideas. Electing any of these visionless nine is akin to using the Restore function in Microsoft can only go backwards in time.
Aside from relying on himself and the goodwill of the average American, President Bush is in a no-win situation. America respects winners, the Nobel Foundation and its Upper West Side provocateurs honor losers. Americans remember that President Reagan won the cold war and ushered in a period of unprecedented economic prosperity. The Nobel elite honor Jimmy Carter as the architect of economic stagflation who cowered in the shadow of the tyrants from Tehran.
The President can’t count on the elite media because they are biasedly dishonest. Well, this week Paul (Svengali) Krugman did have a lucid moment when he informed the great unwashed that, “Things that can't go on forever, don't.” Maureen Dowd who finally saw “The Untouchables” now wants to know if America is willing to do it the “Chicago way”. If nouveau crime fighter Dowd really supports the “Chicago way” how about an editorial in defense of Lt. Colonel Allen B. West who saved his troops and won a court martial for frightening an Iraqi combatant.
The only thing the President and the American people can look for from the Democrats is delinquent behavior. Or was the plan to backstab America’s security with their planned flimflam of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence also part of the new patriotism? Maybe the President can dispatch Hans Blix et al into the Senate chambers to search Democratic garbage cans for more "Rockefeller memos".
Liberals have always been a peep of Chicken Littles. By admission and proof, the liberal elite have no vision and cannot be trusted. They, “...would have us believe that the United States, like other great civilizations of the past, has reached the zenith of its power; that we are weak and fearful, reduced to bickering with each other and no longer possessed of the will to cope with our problems.” Are you really prepared to place your trust in a morass of vainglorious candidates whose best answer is to hide under an umbrella, look backwards and raise taxes?
If there is one legitimate criticism of the President, it is his fruitless attempts to accommodate insincere critics. The President should trust the American people and speak directly to them. Us average Americans certainly don’t give a damn about the elites in the media, the primping Chicken Littles vying for the Democratic nomination, the politically correct treatment of terrorists or the duplicitous United Nations because they don’t give a damn about us. We care about our families, our troops and our country. Americans say what they mean and do what they say. Let the fools do what they do in circles forever screaming that “The sky is falling” while we get on with the business of the country...our country.