Compassionate War Games
Get Serious or Get Out of Iraq
June 24, 2003
At last count, 19 American soldiers have been murdered in Iraq since the May 1 Bush declaration that the war had ended…and the meter is still running. If the United States is truly serious about its Iraq mission and if the Bush administration is truly compassionate, then let the games end because compassion starts at home.
This writer has voiced many doubts about the ability of the U.S. to be determined (ruthless?) enough to succeed in Iraq…and with good reason. America has been convoluted into such a state of doubts that we are capable of even turning domestic infanticide into a pity party for the murdering mother. A country that cares more about world opinion than the lives of its soldiers has no business conducting war outside the confines of a video arcade.
The Iraqis, at least the verbal ones, are nothing better than juvenile delinquents. To plan the pacification of Iraq around their “feelings” is like planning the penal system around the desires of its death row inmates. Although it’s tempting to think of Iraqis as modern day troglodytes, they are not. These are a cunning and, in Western terms, amoral people. They might even prevail because panty-waisted Western “intellectuals” listen to their crap.
Before you get in a self-righteous twist, actually try reading some of the finer Iraqi populist sentiment. “I was so happy to see American blood spilled that I slaughtered a chicken to celebrate,” said 29-year-old Mohammed Abbas. Or maybe this one will tickle your funny bone, “The former (Hussein) regime was 1,000 times more merciful,” said Baghdad resident Abdul-Azim Abdul-Wahed.
In equally ridiculous blather, that great purveyor of truth, the New York Times, reports that, “A leading human rights group today accused United States troops of using excessive force in two April shootings….” The NYT’s further clarifies this statement by assuring the reader that Human Rights Watch, “researchers found few (Iraqi) bullet holes that would suggest that the crowd of protesters fired on the soldiers using a school as a base. But they found more than 100 (American) bullet holes on seven buildings across the street.” Ipso facto, Human Rights Watch implies that America must fight the poor Iraqi criminals like a suburban tennis match…volley for volley at best.
Of course you can go and scratch your little fanny in search of any statement, ever, from Human Rights Watch condemning the use of “excessive force” by Saddam Hussein. It’s only fitting that, as a U.S. taxpayer subsidized 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation, Human Rights Watch spews this anti-American bias from their tony Fifth Avenue offices. Why is the taxpayer subsidizing an organization that can afford a Fifth avenue office?
All of this horse crap is being mucked around while American soldiers continue to be murdered. These aren’t men and women from Fifth Avenue that are doing the dying, but mostly middle and lower class kids from Anywhere, USA. Just like Viet Nam, these troops should are pawns in a parlor game of anti-Americanism played by elitist and enemy propagandists. In plain English, the U.S. must (1) either fight this war as it was begun with little regard for either PC or enemy propaganda or (2) get the hell out.
While the Hussein family plays a friendly game of hide-and-go-seek, America’s finest continue to die. The Iraqi people who lived for more than a quarter of a century under the merciless tyranny of Hussein and company are blaming America because they (the Iraqis) never had the capacity and/or desire to build a civilized nation…and apparently still do not. All this while their warrior hero, Saddam, hides in a hole like a scared rat.
An easy, and tempting, solution would be to give the Iraqi people back to their former master in exchange for a favorable oil contract. A better solution would be to give the Iraqi people what they really need…the heads of Hussein et al on a platter. Despite the assurances to the contrary from Washington, D.C. that the capture of Hussein and children is not relevant, their capture is the end game. Without Hussein’s corpse there can be no stable government formed in Iraq because the Iraqis continue to hedge their bets. Without a stable government, the American people will be forever condemned as the guardians of needy Iraqi juveniles.
Nothing short of the Hussein clan’s proven death will bring closure to the former Iraqi way of life and any hopes for its return. Simultaneously, the future Iraqi tyrants presently hiding behind their religious raiments should be informed how easily they can be liquidated if the rabble-rousing doesn’t cease. And, the Iraqi people need to be dispelled from the myth that they can murder American soldiers without swift and merciless consequences.
If it takes less than genteel interrogation methods to convince captured Hussein operatives like Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti about the wisdom of speaking the truth…so be it. The U.S. will never be respected in the face of failed policies and a sure path to failure is paying attention to twaddle from the likes of al-Tikriti, power hungry mullahs and Iraqi street thugs at the cost of American lives.
If the U.S. government can read license plates from outer space, it can certainly locate and eradicate the Hussein plague and all of its lingering elements. If America hasn’t the stomach and/or ability to achieve this relatively straightforward mission, then we should hike up ours skirts and leave Iraq in humiliation. At least the sons, daughters and spouses of America will cease to be fodder for the amusement of a people that has, hereto now, proven themselves to be content in their domination by homicidal lunatics.