Meltdown In The Fourth Estate
Or Is It The Fifth Column?
November 22, 2002
Election night 2002 will go down in history as “The Night of the Great Outing”. Almost serendipitously, the will of the electorate opened the doors of the Liberal Looney bin and let loose the dogs of delusion. It has been a fascinating, if not depressing, peek inside the mind of the deranged to witness the ongoing succession of previously self-proclaimed “unbiased” media personalities “Out” themselves.
For decades, the toy soldiers of the Fourth Estate have professed their unbiased journalistic professionalism with a pious fervor. As election night 2002 returns started to roll in, the reality of a Republican victory nudged many of these borderline delusional paranoids into a dark hole of disbelief from which they should never return. The night of November 5 exposed the stench emanating from the editorial rooms of this nation’s press as the rotten eggs of hypocrisy and bias. When faced with the failed consequences of their propagandistic misrepresentations, liberal media goons suffered a meltdown.
In its imbecility and self-absorption, this media meltdown is comparable to a four-year-old brat throwing a tantrum at the grocery store candy display when Mommy says “No”. Its pathos illuminates an image of Hitler declaring victory from a crumbling bunker. The spectacle of its raw hypocrisy is a signal that the editorial boards of this nation are long overdue for a housecleaning.
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman comes screaming from the dark forest of bias in his editorial, Into the Wilderness. When Krugman laments that, “Clearly, we’re going to have an extended sojourn in the political wilderness. Even criticizing the Bush administration’s policies will become far more difficult.” His apparent Pollyannaish memory blacks out the countless innocents who were personally destroyed for uttering any truth about the Clinton administration. But, then again, according to the distorted likes of Krugman, that administration was fighting the horrors of a vast right wing conspiracy.
In an effort to stay unabashedly factual, Krugman whines about the terrors that the Republicans will inflict upon America, “A ballooning federal debt… will have made it impossible to deal with the needs of an aging population. Years of unchecked crony capitalism will have destroyed faith in our financial markets. Unilateralist foreign policy will have left us without real allies. And most important of all, environmental neglect will have gone past the point of no return.”
Miraculously, this whiz of an M.I.T. PhD failed to mention that (1) there was never any true deficit reduction under the Democrats because “balanced” budgets were a scam upon the backs of bankrupted federal trust systems including Social Security, (2) The “crony capitalism” flourished during the Clinton years and it has only been the Republicans who ushered in corporate reforms, (3) Clinton’s version of foreign policy was oral sex in the Oval office while a Palestinian leader whistled Dixie in the Rose Garden and (4) the true environmental record of the Bush administration is better than that of the former administration’s. “The objections against Bush on the environment are not at heart about his policies, but about finding ways to bash him.” And that is from a less than conservative Brookings Institution.
Taking a respite from the ridiculous, we turn to the absurd. Bill Moyers from P.B.S, in his commentary of November 8th, postulates, “And for the first time in the memory of anyone alive, the entire federal government — the Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary — is united behind a right-wing agenda for which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate.” What kind of twaddle is that?
Stepping further into the poop of his own lies, Moyers itemizes a few of his delusions:
That mandate includes the power of the state to force pregnant women to give up control over their own lives.
It includes using the taxing power to transfer wealth from working people to the rich.
Above all, it means judges with a political agenda appointed for life.
This is hysterical propaganda and Moyers knows it. It is not even worthy of serious rebuttal. This arrogant thumb-sucking brat is lying to the American people simply because he and his could not get their own way. They tried to bullshit the American public in an effort to rig the election and now they are simply pissed because the majority of the electorate did not pay homage to their elitist assumption of entitlement.
The bad news for the Krugman-Moyers ilk is that the American public can think for themselves and have little need to be told by a bunch of “wine and cheese” elitists what to think. It’s not so much a Republican victory that these arrogant pieces of intellectual lint fear…they are panicked by the prospect of the liberation for the average American’s thought process.
A darkness fell over America and its name is Political Correctness. PC is a totalitarian dogma that defies the Constitution in its attempt to regulate the thoughts and speech of the American public. It is the mass destruction weapon of choice for a crowd of bourgeois elitists who could never figure out how to think so they devised a dogma of what to think. Their Fifth Column is the Fourth Estate.
These PC minions of the media who bastardize the truth are nothing more than petty propagandists. Hitler’s minister of propaganda, Josef Goebbels held two firm beliefs about manipulating the public: (1) if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it and (2) the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious. This corrupt thought process managed to toss Goebbels onto the ash heap of history and it is now in the process of doing the same for the paternalistically self-appointed masters of the media.
Nobody surrenders a grasp on power easily…especially the very impotent. If excessive power remains in the same hands too long it tends to corrupt and destroy. It becomes a disease of the soul. Unfortunately for the usurpers among us, America’s founding fathers created a system whereby self-determination enables the truth to surface.
The advent of journalistic competition and cyber communication are ending the control of information which a relatively few have coveted for much too long. And if it is upsetting to these self-anointed purveyors of opinion who have tried to craft the landscape to their self-image…well, that is just tough luck.
The first American Revolution was fought with muskets. This one is being conducted on the battlefield of ideas and truth. And that is more than the petty among us can tolerate. But, they have no choice and that is the will of the Constitution. Ain’t it great to be an American!