Backyard Terrorism
The Real Jihad


November 12, 2002 


Bin Laden is just a Sideshow… 

If, for a delusional moment, you think that the greatest threat facing America comes from outside our borders…think again! 

True enough…bin Laden and his ilk are a very real and dangerous threat to our security. But, in the total picture, Islamic terrorists are a sideshow.  Before you get your undies in a twist with indignation, consider the facts. 

The agents of Islamic terrorism have murdered many thousands of Americans citizens and done billions of dollars in direct and collateral damage to the U.S. economy.  Those lost lives were real and the pain of their loved ones must be constant.  But, these terrorists are a manageable problem. 

The mere fact that we know the terrorists are Islamic fundamentalists is a big step towards their elimination.  Remember our Beltway sniper duo?  At first, law enforcement had no clue who they were looking for.  Was it a white male?  Was it a white truck?  At least in the case of the World Trade Center, the authorities and the population knew very quickly that bin Laden and his fundamentalists were responsible.  At least there was a scent on the trail. 

Threats to a nation are similar to illnesses in a body.  There is nothing worse than being sick with no diagnosis in sight.  Once a disease is diagnosed, it can be treated.  America had a trail to Afghanistan and a trail to al-Qa'ida.  Although we don’t know who all of the individuals are, we do know what they are and there are dots, once connected, that lead to the culprits. 

Another advantage in the war against terrorism is its clearly defined nature.  It is US against them.  The distinction between the forces of good and evil are unambiguous and easy to recognize.  It is a distinct advantage that the bad guys are foreigners and culturally distinct.  The fact that they look different and dress different and speak different from the average American makes it easy to stereotype an enemy in one’s mind.   

Eventually, these terrorists will be hunted down, singled out and eliminated.  This is not to minimize that fact that Americans probably will suffer some additional casualties before the last terrorists die on the vine.  However, the threat is identified and America not only knows how to eliminate this threat, but also has to means to do so. 

Think how much more difficult this war would be if the enemy not only looked like your neighbor, but was your neighbor. 

Now for the Bad News... 

The real enemy of the United States is as hard to individualize as a pair of blue jeans and is just as American!  The real threat to the United States is a pervasiveness of self-indulgent fantasy and monetary greed. 

It would be so easy to blame the 208 Haitians who came screaming onto our shores in Florida or the hundreds of Mexicans who nightly penetrate our borders.  But they are not the problem nor are they the enemy.  They are just a natural consequence of America’s internal decay.  And the origin of that decay is the troika of education, media and litigation. 

The educational system is the key that unlocked the door to stupidity.  Education in America has become a buzzword for increased taxes to satiate the appetite of the greedy union that is euphemistically named the National Education Association (NEA).  The NEA is a union that brainwashes parents into thinking that the quality of their children’s education is a direct function of educational spending.  Simultaneously, the NEA tries to teach those children the idiotic (and almost criminal) concept that no group was responsible for the WTC destruction. 

Or…as their political action committee (PAC) has done this election year, to donate over SIX MILLION DOLLARS to mostly Democratic candidates.  Where did that money come from?  How about from its members who are paid with your tax dollars and if you don’t believe it, look here and see for yourself.  Could it be that the teachers give money to their union’s PAC that, in turn, donates it to politicians who in turn vote to raise your taxes in order to give the teachers more money to donate again? 

Education in America, largely as a result of the nitwits in the NEA’s leadership, has become an exercise in what to think rather than how to think.  Buzzword concepts such as diversity and multiculturalism become dogmatic pabulum spoon-fed into the minds of America’s youth.  Education’s job is to provide each individual with the ability to think logically through problems and create solutions, not to propagandize with mind numbing dogma.   

And, that is the problem with the media.  Instead of seeking solutions to problems, the media’s upside is the creation of problems.  Harmony does not create captivating news…conflict does.  But, this conflict is foisted only upon the subject matter and never the media itself.  The media clothes itself in the most pristine of political correctness.  By doing this, it avoids the wrath of the PC police and injects a monotonous bland dogma into every production.  Media is business, big business, and revenues (profits) are directly tied to viewership. This is a simple and rational truth. 

Riding herd over the three-pronged attack on self-determination and common sense is the legal profession.  The law is a very valued and necessary component of any civilization.  And…a good lawyer, like a good doctor, is a true professional who can render invaluable service.  The problem with the American legal system is its unconstrained approach to litigation.  Imagine a medical system where doctors can legally sit around all day and dream-up medical procedures for the sole purpose of making money.  That is the nature of U.S. litigation.  There is little true penalty for groundless action.  Litigation hides behind the Constitution. 

The structuring of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is an excellent example of the legal system’s excesses.  The handicapped that feel discriminated against can sue for relief in federal court.  The only real monetary compensation for successful litigation is legal fees.  If the suits are found to be without merit, there are no penalties imposed upon those who initiated them.  Little wonder that lawyers sit around and dream up ridiculous class action suits.  Their handicapped clients are only useful as vehicles for the lawyers to earn six and seven figure fees. 

Mustn’t forget to mention that the same people (lawyers) who write most of this country’s laws have also donated over Six Million Dollars to politicians in this election cycle.  Here, just take a peek at the money dished out by the ASSOCIATION OF TRIAL LAWYERS OF AMERICA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE.  A dollar may not buy much, but six million of them certainly seem to.   

Shut Up and Just Pay Your Taxes… 

So, the next time 208 Haitians dance traffic to a halt on Florida’s six-lane Rickenbacker Causeway and immediately demand political asylum, don’t blame the Haitians.  Blame the idiocy that the American societal landscape has become.  Through its educational system, its media and its legal process, America terrorizes its citizen’s common sense in their own backyards.  This is a disease of entitlement that has consumed the once rational American system and threatens to destroy the self-determination and economic livelihood of this country’s rapidly disappearing middle class. 

Similar to the exploitation of the handicapped as vehicles for legal fees, the middle class is useful only to be economically bled dry.  The educational system dumbs-you-up so that you blindly pay increased taxes in the belief that you are benefiting the children.  The media saturates you with its stress-inducing brew of politically correct conflict.  And, the legal profession keeps you suspended between the fear of being the victim of a suit and the lottery mentality joy of being a litigation beneficiary. 

Smarten up and see life as it is.  The real beneficiaries of the chaos in our society are those who profit from it.  208 Haitians storming are shores are 208 potential pawns who necessitate further costly educational expenditures.  208 Haitians jumping out of a boat, commandeering people’s cars and demanding their rights create controversy for a media circus.  And 208 Haitian detainees necessitate a multitude of lawyers who earn fees for asylum hearing representations. 

All of this will be paid for with your money.   

The great fear of the PC dictators is that someday the American citizen may not only wake up but also rise up.  Just because you don’t think that a boatload of uninvited invaders along with the potential of their uninvited parasites should automatically be entitled to tap into taxpayer dollars does not make you a racist.  And just because you don’t think that throwing more money into the fire of already bloated and inefficient educational budgets is justified does not make you anti-children.  And just because you don’t think that the legal system should be used as an alternative lottery does not make you an enemy of the Constitution. 

In many ways political correctness is a terrorism far worse than the bin Laden brand.  It is insidious.  It seeks to deny this society many individual liberties including freedom of speech, association and even thought.  It robs the middle class of self-determination and common sense.  It is a dogma that seeks to replace rational thought with group-think.  And it is a brand of terrorism homegrown in America.  

The options are evident.  You can get off your butt, exercise your Constitutional rights and do your own thinking or, you can surrender this country to the madness of those who will bleed it and you dry.  Simply put, either invest the time, effort and courage into being a responsible citizen or just shut up and pay your taxes.


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