The Delusions of Illusions
Daschle & Gore

September 30, 2002

Setting The Stage…. 

Delusional people have provided my family and me with some of our most gut-wrenching laughs. 

Creating The Fantasy… 

Take, for instance, the completely out of shape blob that lives next door, “Mr. Dumbnuts”.  He meets and marries an over-the-hill barfly, “Ms. Dipper”, replete with bleached big-hair, sabertooth-like fingernails and a line of “friends” longer than the Great Wall of China.  When she spotted the opportunity for a piece of a 4000 square foot house and a new Lexus, Ms. Dipper went about the task of convincing Mr. Dumbnuts that he was her vision of Greco-Roman buff. 

What was once (and for all purposes still is) a drunken babble-brain with no moral character has been transformed, in the eyes of Mr. Dumbnuts, into a beautiful vision of unique culture and character…POOF! 

By day, Ms. Dipper depletes his treasury in an endless orgy of self-aggrandizing consumption.  The nights are reserved, like April 15th, for deception and replenishment…”Oh honey, you are the most handsome man and so hot…you have just the biggest….”.   Of course, pathetic Mr. Dumbnuts is so desperate for self-image (and maybe lower extremity) inflation and that he buys directly into the delusion and makes the tit-for-tat trade.  Eureka… a bit of steamy delight! 

Ms. Dipper taps into a revenue stream by giving “Dumbnuts” the illusion of virility.  Dumbnuts, in turn, gives Dipper legitimacy and plenty of cash.  He simply imagines her into the woman of every man’s dreams in an attempt to ward off the harmful vibes of cognitive dissonance.  Who could face the reality of being a blob that achieves self-fulfillment by sleeping with a whore? 

And…now to the delusions of Washington, D.C.. 

Al Gore can do anything…. 

In response to the semi-fiasco of the recent Democratic gubernatorial primary in Florida, former Vice President Al Gore fired this volley over the deck of Governor Jeb Bush, “Two years have passed since this happened before,” he (Gore) said. “I seriously believe, and I do not think it is unfair in any way [to say this]: I believe, if I were the governor of this state I would have fixed that [elections problems] by now.”  

Talk about delusions!   

For those who may wish to forget, Gore was VP of this great nation for 8 years (1992-2000).  And…during those eight years, he and his administration had many chances to fix many problems including those of world terrorism.  And what is Mr. I-Can-Do-Everything Gore’s record?\ 

  1. The Feb. 26, 1993, bombing of the World Trade Center.

  1. The 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel.

  1. The April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City killing 168 Americans.

  1. The 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel.

  1. The 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000.

  1. The 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors

Other than putting a few people in jail and sending Timothy McVeigh to his untold number of virgins, the primary Clinton-Gore response to terrorism was always the same…launch a few million dollars worth of cruise missiles at nothing and continue to slash the guts out of the U.S intelligence community.  When it comes to Al-The-Internet-Gore, best selling author, Sean Hannity observed, “They (the Democrats) have a history of gutting our Defense Department, and, in the Clinton and Gore years, they rendered our CIA impotent.”  

Here is a person who did nothing for eight years while being faced by the threat, and reality, of terrorism except to posture. But, he sure as hell could fix Florida’s elections problems.  Come to think of it, Gore did try to fix a Florida election once but his version of repair lost. 

Apparently, Al Gore thinks that the Big Three automakers are more of a threat to America than al Qaeda, “He (Gore) makes the case in (his) book that the combustion engine is a greater threat to civilization than any military threat—remote military threat that we’re ever likely to face again.”  

Gotta watch out for those SUV’s Al! 

Delusional Dachle’s Vision In A Bong…. 

As reported by Fox news and others: 

A few hours after Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle left the White House pledging cooperation on Iraq, he used the Senate floor to launch his own attack on what he called President Bush’s “atrocious” economic record.

Daschle, D-S.D., accused Bush of doing little to spur the listless economy or address job and stock market losses, eroded retirement accounts and vanishing budget surpluses.

“As important as the war on Iraq, or the effort on Iraq—I won’t call it a war, because God forbid we go to war—but regardless of what it is we do on Iraq and the war on terror, I hope that this administration can dedicate some of its time each week to economic security as well,” Daschle said in a 35-minute speech dedicated to finding an election-year issue Democrats can sink their teeth into.  “It takes leadership not only with regard to international and foreign policy, but to help here at home on economic policy as well. We haven’t seen it to date,” he added. 

It is terribly difficult to maintain respect for one’s leaders when they consistently fail to lead.  Instead of working on this country’s business, Mr. Daschle is obsessed with the murky shenanigans of politics.  Yet out of a hemp-like cloud of smoke, Daschle imagines visions of leadership. 

A few facts might set the record and Mr. Daschle straight. 

  1. America’s economy had entered a recession long before George W. Bush took the oath of office.  If that is not clear, try it this way…It’s the Clinton recession!

  1. The job and stock market that Mr. Daschle speaks of was an illusion propped up by the reckless monetary and regulatory policies of the Clinton Administration.  As history is now proving, there was an illusion of wealth created by many business people who are now in or about to go to jail.  Where was the Clinton Securities and Exchange Commission when the average American was being robbed blind?  Clinton and Daschle were quite content to take your votes during those years while deluding you into a false sense of security.

  1. Perhaps Daschle’s greatest delusion is his talk of a balanced budget and federal surpluses.  There have been no true balanced budgets or surpluses in the last 35 years and Mr. Daschle knows that damn well because he is part of the problem.  Lest we get too high on ourselves to understand reality, somebody should ask Mr. Daschle how a budget can be balanced by robbing cash from the Social Security and other trust funds and stuffing them with worthless IOU’s in return?  Can he really erase debt by creating more debt?

Hey Senator Dascle, Have You Heard This Before…. 

Don’t pee down my back and try to tell me it’s raining! 

This country is broke and you are part of those who broke it.  If you don’t believe me, ask almost anybody.  Robert Levy, a Cato Institute scholar observes, “For decades, administrations of both parties have been using the trust-fund surplus to supplement general revenues. That process will hasten the demise of Social Security. Yet most people have been misled by politicians and their allies into believing that funds taken from Social Security are merely "borrowed." After all, the politicians say, the trust fund has U.S. bonds, and that proves the money will be repaid. Nonsense!.”  

So Senator, the jig is up.  Informed citizens are wise to your delusory illusions of wannabe leadership.  Either forget your egocentric visions of political grandeur and give the citizens of this great nation a fair break by telling the truth and doing the business of the nation or…just get thee to the Land of Oz.   

Oh, should you choose Oz instead of the Senate please don’t show Dorothy any of your cigars.


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