U.S. Terrorizes American Soldiers

August 25, 2003

"THE US military has charged four American soldiers with abusing prisoners of war in Iraq...The four military police from a Pennsylvania-based US army reserve unit are accused of punching, kicking and breaking bones of prisoners at Camp Bucca, the largest US-run PoW camp in Iraq." August 24, 2003 Not reported in any mainstream media.

The United States military has arrested four of our brave soldiers in Iraq for being abusive to some of their poor Iraqi PoW’s. The four U.S. troops are in Kuwait awaiting the outcome of an, "Article 32 hearing, a military proceeding in which prosecutors lay out evidence of a crime and a commander decides whether to convene a court-martial."

Two points: the U.S. military has placed a gag order on this and it only became public because family members of the accused leaked it and the four accused maintain that, "they acted only in self-defense, and that the 44 prisoners being shipped into Camp Bucca, the largest POW camp in Iraq, were rebelling."

Perhaps the military wants more heroes like CIA agent Johnny Micheal "Mike" Spann who was murdered by girly-fundamentalist John Walker Lindh and his Afghan cohorts during the PoW riot at Mazar-e Sharif prison in Afghanistan.

This is ridiculous and, if it isn’t, why is the military keeping it mum?


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