Yellow Alert — Liberals are Cowards

July 22, 2004 

Liberals are bratty adolescents.  They demand what they want; very rarely do they really know why they want it; they take no responsibility if it all goes bad; and there is never a quid pro quo.  They live in a fantasy world at your sufferance...and on your dime.  Such is the nature of elitist self-entitlement. 

Let’s ask the obvious, “Is liberalism genetic or environmental?”  It’s environmental to the extent that an excess of BS leads to global warming.  And...the shallow self-loathing of Ron Reagan, Jr. disproves a genetic correlation.  Habitually, it’s systemic.  Liberals are cowards.  They are intellectual cowards and they are moral cowards.  

During the run-up to the recent Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, liberal “method” acting was Oscar-worthy.  The amendment’s sponsor, Republican Senator Wayne Allard, easily said what he meant, “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.”  He said it clearly, he said it often and he said it publicly.   

Yet, during this debate, not a single liberal Senate opponent of the amendment (and there were fifty of them) simply came “out” and said “I support same-sex marriage” (you’ll find that crowd in the House).  Every news program on this amendment featured a conservative Senator supporting the amendment and some bubblehead from a liberal non-profit “advocacy” group opposing it.  The two Senatorial “Johns”, while busy groping each other, were MIA from that Senate vote. 

Liberal Senators who managed to find their vocal cords somehow misplaced their integrity.  Although, this time, it really was “just about sex”, Barbara Boxer just shrieked "It's all about politics."  RINO Senator Chafee came close to honesty when he voiced opposition to "coming between two people that love each other doing what they want to do”.  I wonder if his autoerotic sense of noblesse oblige extends itself to Utah polygamist Tom Green.  Loving 5 teenage wives makes me happy and it is doing what I want to do. 

This is the fabric of liberal cowardice.  They are against banning gay marriage but they are too spineless to “out” their support of gay marriage.  So they unleash non-profit attack dogs to do their barking and...simultaneously create deflective arguments.  In the spirit of Lt. Tom Keefer (Caine Mutiny), the liberals yellow-stain representative democracy.  They shirk leadership and defer their legislative responsibilities to the courts.  

Hypocritical liberal wimpiness was personified by Whoopi Goldberg’s performance at the NY Kerry fundraiser.  After Goldberg compared the President to her pubic area (was she really thinking of Ted Danson in blackface), Kerry applauded her loutish behavior as “"the heart and soul of America.”  However, this is a “heart and soul” the Kerry campaign never wants the American people to see.  Just take John’s word on it!   

In the post-fundraiser firestorm of criticism, Kerry (like any John) offered a typically liberal mea non-culpa, he did “not approve of some of the remarks" but Goldberg "had a perfect right to say what (she) said."  Kerry’s devotion to free speech did not carry itself to Trent Lott in 2002...he called for Lott’s resignation.  What happened to Lott’s “rights”?  Convictions of convenience. 

Then there is the moral cowardice of liberal San Francisco police commissioner Peter Keane.  Concerned about a growing incidence of her officers being outgunned by criminals, Chief Heather Fong wants to add more powerful weapons to the police arsenal.  Presently, the SF police are expected to face 44 Minute style psychos with .40-caliber semiautomatic sidearms.  

And what’s the police commission’s concern for their officers?  Commissioner Keane, in a tribute to Spain, believes “cops needed special military-style vests, so that if they encountered a criminal with an assault weapon, instead of reaching into the trunk of the car for similar firepower, they could reach for a heavy-duty vest.”  This is so typically liberal.  Spend taxpayer dollars for a police bureaucracy; bemoan crime and immediately surrender...and then blame gun manufacturers.  From the San Francisco police rules of engagement... go fetal and hope for the best. 

Do liberal Left Coast pantywaists wish to transfer their self-loathing cowardice to the dead bodies of out-gunned SF police?  San Francisco won’t adequately arm their police; District Attorney Kamala Harris coddles police killers; and the police commission is trying to release the names of officers involved in shootings before any investigations are complete.   Perhaps SF is trying to send all SF police officers to their 72 virgins ASAP!  Or, perhaps the city is run under the doctrine of liberal anarchy...If it feels good just do it, I never want to grow up and be responsible...and be nice.     

There is no consistency to the liberal thought process...only convenience.  Liberals have to think conveniently because their only logic is the selfish pursuit of random personal preferences.  They have no intellectual or moral fabric.  Liberals want to rule by divine prerogative and they are the Divinity (in a secular sense).  Or, as Amon Goeth fancifully toyed while touching his reflection in a mirror, “I pardon you.”    

Lacking Intellectual and moral fabric, liberals lack a consistency of analytic process.  If you believe in the Constitution, you fight for the First Amendment rights of the New York Times...even at the expense of barfing on yourself.  If you are a try to put Fox News out of business because it personally displeases “you” any convenient means.  Hey, let’s dump some more non-profit money into the production of “Outfoxed” and end-run campaign finance laws. 

The liberal vacuity of intellectual and moral fabric is swaddled in an insecurity of the soul (soullessness?).  The redoubt of their insecurity is cowardice.  Intellectual and moral cowardice is the only consistency to the inconsistency of liberalism.  And they expect you to pay for their silly games.


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